Monday, October 20, 2008

Berg v. Obama Petition to Congress- Sharons Forensic Evidence

Legal Notice to the State of Minnesota, County's Ramsey,Municipalitys St.Paul

Campaign Stop the Obama Constitutional Crisis Image
Stop the Obama Constitutional Crisis
A suite has been filed with the Pennsylvania Eastern District Court requiring Mr. Obama to produce documents to prove he is constitutionally qualified to run for President. So far Mr. Obama has refused to produce t
Dotted Line – U.S., Breaking News, Politics, Conservative, News, President, El

Forensic Evidence of court documents further apply to the city of st.paul's
FindLaw:KELO V NEWLONDON Supreme Court Center: Docket: February 2005 Cases

My Documents Scribd Specifically Water Shutoff_DFL Government

Your Letter to Congress

Sharon, thanks for taking action on behalf of Concerned American Voter. Your emails are on the way to Capitol Hill.

An individual copy of your letter will be sent to each official:

October 20, 2008

Dear Representative McCollum,
Dear Senator Coleman,
Dear Senator Klobuchar,

A lawsuit has been filed with the Pennsylvania Eastern District Court requiring Mr. Obama to produce documents to prove he is constitutionally qualified to run for President. So far Mr. Obama has refused to produce the documents and is trying to fight the court order to produce the documents. Any American should be able to prove citizenship in less than a day. Why can't Mr. Obama?
BERG v. OBAMA et al :: Justia News
Here is a link to the actual court documents -
A constitutional crisis will rip our country apart. If this is not cleared up now we will have a crisis. If you care at all about America you must call for Mr. Obama to produce the documents and prove that he is eligible to be President.

Please call on Mr. Obama to produce the documents to prove his constitutional qualifications.

Thank you

Sharon Anderson
1058 Summit/PO Box 4384
St.Paul, MN 55104-0384

You can still also have your letters printed and hand-delivered to each official for just $3 each.

Thanks again for taking action, and keep this email for your records.

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