Fair Housing re Mark Daytons appointment of now Justice David Lillehaug, was a
Bribe to undermine Magner vs. Gallagher USSC 10-1032 ACTING in Concort with
City Attorneys John Choi, Sandra Grewing, now Co Attorney and
Forensic Files
Anderson Click
here: Michelle MacDonald for Minnesota Justice of the Supreme Court | Home
Page More More
1Aug2015 We the people, non lawyers are NOT
2nd class citizens For File
City Council | 8/5/2015 | ![]() |
3:30 PM | Council Chambers - 3rd Floor | Meeting details | ![]() |
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Library Board | 8/5/2015 | ![]() |
2:00 PM | Council Chambers | Meeting details | ![]() |
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Legislative Hearings | 8/4/2015 | ![]() |
9:00 AM | Room 330 City Hall & Court House | Meeting details | ![]() |
Sharons Heart Breaks 4 901 Como Residents
Sent: 8/1/2015 11:18:55 A.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Sharons Ward 2 Candidate Chamber Questionnaire
1Aug2015CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRESAINT PAUL CITY COUNCILBackground Information 2013 MayoralName: Sharon Anderson Office Sought: St.Paul Council Ward 2Email: Sharon4Anderson@aol.comPhone:651-776-5835Address:Legal Domicile 1058 Summit Ave,Mail 697 Surrey St. Paul,MN 55104-0384Campaign Website: ForensicFiles 100 Blogs handle:*Photograph: If you would like a profile photograph included in youronline profile, please include a headshot (.jpg format)Candidate Questionnaire
Please provide a brief bio highlighting your experience and accomplishments Affiant VA WidowWhistleblower has tracked City Hall 40 yrs, Self Taught, Blogger, PC Nerd, currently downloading Windows 10 Homegrown, similarily situated,Homeowners, Seniors, Vunerable Persons, with thousands of pdf files, pic's Forensic Files 1st Husband Scarrella,Daughter Vonessa,7Grand,4Greats, 2nd Husband Grade School Eastern Heights, Marshall Jr. St.Paul Central. Explain why you are you running for public office. Sharon Loves St.Paul, Minnesota Homegrown, must inform the Citizenery. Sharon is not a Liar or Lawyer, mandating Resignation of Jerry Henderickson, counsel lawyer,Separation Powers etc. Exposing Major Violations of Fair Housing, 8th Cir.09-1209_09-1528-091509 _Steinhauser, et al v. City St.Paul ,Steve Magner and Police Officer Dean Koehnen Covert Bribe of now Justice David Lillehaug to dismiss USSC 10-1032 CASE Sharon's Claims for the past 40 years. ON FILE:Sharons 1/2 million claim v. City St.Paul,MN"takings" by Theft,Trespass,Treason of Sharons DL,Car,Trailer,Propertys Death,Disability,Disparate,Discrimination,Disparagment of Realestate Titles and Insurance
Must expose the Citys Ponzi Schemes for personal benefits,
Takings via Insider Trading similar Supreme Court to reverse an appeals-court decision that seriously weakened the ability of the government to prosecute insider-trading cases. similar toDFL David Lillehaug manulipating Fair Housing
The U.S. Solicitor General, in a petition for certiorari,asked the high court to review the Second Circuit Court of Appeals decision last December thatoverturned the 2013 insider-trading convictions of Todd Newman and Anthony Chiasson. In that decision, the influential New York court held that prosecutors must prove not only that the men traded on material, non-public information but that they knew the source of the information received some kind of gain for sharing it.“This cert petition is a risk for the government,” said John Donovan, a partner with Ropes & Gray in Boston, in e-mailed comments. “They risk the Supreme Court affirming the Second Circuit decision, and tightening the elastic way in which prosecutors have been able to apply the `personal benefit’ test.”
Please list any endorsements you have received.
n/a Let the People Endorse
What is the biggest challenge facing Saint Paul and how would you address it? Flipping RealEstate, Demolishing,Vacant Bldgs.Loss of Tax Base, OverBurdened Salarys, Where is the Money to Pay for all these Projects, We must override Dsi, cut the Office LGA FUNDING,Retire Asst. Attorney Jerry Henderickson for Ineffective Assistance of Council, wilful neglience to protect and defend the Constution State and Federal Downsize City Hall, Estopp Harrassing the Little Guy like you and me
What would be your top three priorities if elected?a.Fair Housing re Magner vs. Gallagher, b.Health Care in Sharons Case of Blindness, cut the Cost of Cannabis, instruct Police not to prosecute minor Cannabis. Comply with ADA. Expose Elder Abuse triggered by DSI inspector Ed Smith to Condemn Property,Triggering Expose of For Profit Senior Living Files
How would you characterize the business climate in Saint Paul? What, if anything, would you do to improve it? Corporate Welfare vs. Welfare Receiptants is not Fair Balance, We must improve the Tax Base.
Should local government be actively involved in attracting and retaining jobs? Why or why not? If so, please describe the role of local government in this process. NO ,Less Government is Best
What do you think should be the top transportation-related priority of the East Metro? Hopefully it will pay for itself, Bus Transporation to Suburbs re Landfall, Woodbury, Metro Mobility has to leave Woodbury before 4 pm or be in violation of their Ordinances.
Many communities and government entities in the East Metro collaborate to provide services to their residents in an effort to operate more efficiently and cost effectively. Do you believe there are additional opportunities to deliver public services more efficiently in your community and if so, please explain? Loss of Parking for Downtown Propertys, Homeowners, renters,
What should be the role of the City in the redevelopment of the Ford Plant site? Should there be financial support and involvement from public entities? LESS GOVERNMENT, Public, Private Funding creates Disparaities,By appealing the case, the government is taking a calculated risk the Supreme Court will cement the Second Circuit’s understanding of the law across the country. The government argues the opposite, of course: It says the appeals court “reinterpreted” the most important precedent for insider trading, Dirks v. SEC, to require proof of a “close personal relationship” between tipper and tippee that results in the tipper receiving an “objective, consequential” benefit.The Second Circuit’s holding conflicts with the law in other circuits, Solicitor General Donald Verrilli wrote, and “the effect of the new rule will be to hurt market participants, disadvantage scrupulous market analysts, and impair the government’s ability to protect the fairness and integrity of the securities markets.”
Ramsey County is currently planning for new transit investment in the Riverview Corridor to connect downtown Saint Paul to the MSP airport. What is your view of this proposal? What should the city’s role be in creating additional transit opportunities? Sounds Good pending Fiscal Review
Now that CHS Field is nearly constructed, what should be the next area of focus for downtown Saint Paul? Parking
Occasionally, Saint Paul City Councilmembers defer to the wishes of the councilmember in a particular ward regarding economic development issues. That practice is known as "ward preference." However, those decisions have sometimes led to lawsuits lost by the city or bad public policy. How would you balance "ward preference" with ensuring that economic development decisions are made based on zoning ordinances and what is best for the city as a whole? Go back to Eliminating Wards, Run at Large Citys are Self Insured via Risk Management at Disparaity re Alice Krengel Case
What is your view of the development review process in Saint Paul? What do you think works and does not work? What role should district councils play in the process? What, if anything, can be changed to improve the process? To much Government involvement, Down Size whats that old song Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative, Everything in between
Is there anything else you would like to share?In our High Tech Age, We must Notify all Branchs Electronically, Citys wilfail neglience to Answer, then Defaults Taken Sharons Bucket List, Drive a Harley,BellyDance,Cure Glaucoma,Expose Elder Abuse AttorneyProSe_Private AG, ECF 65913 Pacer:sa1299 Tel: 651-776-5835 HEALTH CARE Candidate
MN Attorney General 2014 2012Senate64