Monday, August 27, 2007

St.Paul Guilty FTC Consumer Fraud

Sharon Anderson Candidate for St. Paul City Council Ward 2

WatchDog-57-2007 FTC consumerfraud

MinnesotaMortgageMassacre1 City SPSO-Union

submitting this Legal Notice and Objection to Council File J0703V Assessment's 8362 et al, $458.00 now totaling over 1,500 to steal cars and personal property, , Property Address 697 Surrey ID 32-29-22-41-0053 Public Hearing 5Sept.07 with All and requests for long form complaints, tickets,warrants and all financial statement's with the understanding that it may affect action by the Federal Trade

Commission or a federal court. I have used my best efforts to obtain the information requested in this statement. The responses I have provided to the items above are true and contain all the requested facts and information of which I have notice or knowledge. I have provided all requested documents in my custody, possession, or control. I know of the

penalties for false statements under 18 U.S.C. 5 100 1, 18 U.S.C. $ 162 1, and 18 U.S.C. Q 1623 (five years imprisonment

andlor fines). I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct.

The City of St. Paul's Department of Safety and Inspection

FEES's are illegal, bogus, must trigger State and Federal

Audits and Investigations for the protection of the citizenery and homeowners of the city of St. Paul

with the

Executed on:27Aug07

Signature: Sharon Anderson aka Peterson-Chergosky-Scarrella

P1659913 Pacer sa1299 from and


Citys Bogus union conflicting with Citizenery Fiducary Trust

Citys use of Abusive "tax shelters" to avoid State & Federal Tax's
by illegal Ratification of Assessments based on42 USC 3631
Fraud, Theft,Trespass and TreasonMS 609.39 Misprison Treason

FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION, on behalf of citizen Sharon Anderson, all others

similarly situated, John Doe & Mary Roe

Plaintiff,'s Relators EXPARTE


City of St. Paul, Executive Branch et al City SPSO-Union

Legislative, City Council enbanc:risk management

Ron Guilfoile, FEES v. TAX Levy's John Doe & Mary Roe

defendants: relatees


Plaintiff Federal Trade Commission ("Commission" or "FTC") must filed a Complaint

for Injunctive and Other Equitable Relief, including consumer redress, to addressTitle18CrimCode

Defendants' alleged violations of Sections 5(a), 13(b), and 19 of the Federal TradeWatchDog-57-2007

Commission Act ("FTC Act"), 15 U.S.C. $5 45(a), 53(b), vacant buildings, without compensation,andVacant Buildings as of August 1, 2007 Title 18,1581. Peonage;

Consumer Fraud and Abuse Prevention Act ("Telemarketing Act"), 15 U.S.C. 61 01 -61 08; and criminal violations of mail fraud in a "Patterned rico violations" of sending bogus bills thro the US Mails contrary to Reg Z - Google SearchCity Attorneys-Cop Corruption

Sections 503 and 505(a)(7) of the Gramrn-Leach-Bliley Act ("GLB Act"), 15 U.S.C. $5 6803and 6805(a)(7); and the Credit Repair Organizations Act, 15 U.S.C. $5 1679- 16793'

("CROA"). The Sharon Anderson by and thro the Commission also requesting ex parte for a Temporary Restraining Order

("TRO) with asset freeze, appointment of receiver and other equitable relief, and for an

order to show cause why a preliminary injunction should not be granted pursuant to Rule 65

of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT AT THIS TIME, except the Loss of Propertys to campaign, Punatitive, Compensatory,Tort damages over $500,000.00 Five Hundred Thousand for each and every occurrance must be paid out by "Risk Management" techinally Default's

city's State Judges re:

2007 Budget Meetings Forensic Evidence
Watched Veo 22Aug07 Testimony of Bob Kessler stated more than 1,300.00 vacant buildings, Harrington stated over 2,000??????? Challenge FEES v. Levy of Taxes for Sept 5th, File your claims to the City o
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Budget Committee September 5, 2007 - 09:00 AM
City Council MeetingSeptember 5, 2007 - 03:30 PM
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2007 Budget Committee Meeting Archive
08/22/2007Video Open Video Only in Windows Media Player 02h 48mAgenda
08/15/2007Video Open Video Only in Windows Media Player 02h 57mAgenda