Friday, April 5, 2013


  Sharons Disclaimer: BrainMappingInitative vis Obama Agree to estopp Cataracts_
Glacoma_Dangers of Eye Drops Travaton,Cambigan,Lumbigan,Azopt, goes to the
Brain, Metabolizes in the Liver and Kidneys.  Complaints vs. Dr.Diane Tanube March 28th,2012 unabated by Government Officials.

Obama Proposes Brain Mapping Initiative

by Luke Johnson - in 117 Google+ circles - More by Luke Johnson
3 days ago รข€“ WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama on Tuesday proposed an effort to map the brain's activity in unprecedented detail, asastep toward ...

        Scrool to end for CitySt.Paul vs. LandLords via

Sharon Registered Gun Owner_QuiTam_Whistleblower_Victim Medical Malpractice's Fri.5Apr2013

Affiant Sharon Anderson aka Peterson_Chergosky_Scarrella

Please also take legal notice the Theft of Sharons 91 Chrysler since 2006 with disabled plates has rendered Affiant HomeBound Title 3 Meals etc. Theft of Water

hereby gives legal Notice to Gov. Mark Dayton, Revenue Myron Frans, Executive Branch, Legislative Branch and Judicial Julie Kleinschmide for Illegal Taxaction Homestead Credits at 697 Surrey powered by Civic Plus and Legistar.

working on Tax Refund, Whistleblower apparantly Mark Oswald, Laura Manning are Laundrey Payments at 697 Surrey re: Forensic Files and Smal-brief-re-fiafea_firrea_a09-2031/

Welcome to Ramsey County, Minnesota

Property taxes

2013 Property Tax Statements have been mailed

Property Tax Statements for Taxes Payable in 2013 were mailed Monday, March 18. Detailed information about your Property Tax Statement can be found on the Property Tax Statement Overview page.
Paying Your Taxes: You can submit your property tax payments four different ways: by mail, via our two drop-box locations, online, or in person. Go to the Paying Property Taxes page to find out more, and also to subscribe to our tax payment reminder service.
For general information regarding taxes,send us an email or call 651-266-2000.
Also, be sure to read about the State of Minnesota's property tax refund programs to see if you qualify.
2013 Value Notices for Taxes Payable in 2014 were mailed along with the 2013 Property Tax Statements. Your 2013 Value for Taxes Payable in 2014 is established as of January 2, 2013 (the Assessment Date). The Estimated Market Value of your property is the value for which your property would likely sell on the open market.
In determining the value, the Assessor considers the most current arm's length sales of similar properties, current market conditions, and trends that may increase or decrease the value of your property. (For more information, please read How is My Estimated Market Value Established? )
Please read your Value Notice thoroughly. If you feel your valuation and property classification are correct, it is not necessary to contact the Assessor's Office.
If you do have additional questions or concerns about your value or classification, contact us by email or call 651-266-2131.


Our Water, Our Future: Resources in the Northeast Metro

“Groundwater: The Hidden Resource” a community forum on preserving water resources, will be held Thursday, April 4, 2013, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Lincoln Mall of the East Campus at Century College in White Bear Lake. The free event is the first in a series of community information forums that will examine groundwater issues, their relationship to lakes, rivers, and streams, what is happening to water supply, and the consequences of inaction. Subsequent meetings will focus on potential solutions to falling lake levels and water conservation. Ramsey County Commissioner Victoria Reinhardt will emcee the April 4th forum which has been organized by local and county officials, the Metropolitan Council, U.S. Geological Survey, and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
For more information: Event Flyer (pdf) | Metropolitan Council

Sent: 4/5/2013 7:37:40 A.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Check out St. Paul Squeeze | Judicial Watch

Bobby are you up to date with LandLords in Search Engine type in St.Paul MN LandLords This is current You must post on Blog
Read the Brief scrool to Bottom

St. Paul Squeeze

Last Updated: April 02, 2013


On April 4, Judicial Watch filed public records requests at the city and federal levels pursuant to an investigation into the Obama administration’s involvement in a housing discrimination suit arising out of St. Paul, Minnesota. Landlords of budget rentals had brought suit against the city – and won – alleging that excessive code enforcement against their properties would have the effect, if not the intent, of harming racial and ethnic minorities in greater proportion than St. Paul residents of other backgrounds. The legal theory, known as “disparate impact,” is more commonly used by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development to encourage out-of-court settlements against mortgage lenders.
According to a February 13 editorial in the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. Department of Justice pressured the city to withdraw its case from the U.S. Supreme Court, where the case had been slated for argument. Apparently, federal officials feared the city would lose again, setting unfavorable precedent for the Obama administration. According to the paper, if the landlords won, the “disparate impact” theory would no longer be a government tool for punishing instances of racism it perceived but could not prove. Rather, any over-regulation which resulted in less housing for ethnic or racial minorities would now be vulnerable to being struck down under the same theory.
What follows is a run-down of responses so far:
The U.S. Department of Justice on April 4 asked Judicial Watch to clarify which St. Paul case it was referring to and on June 11 asked whether it meant “and” at the place in the Freedom of Information Act request where Judicial Watch said “or”;
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on May 3 asked Judicial Watch to explain what it meant by “disparate impact,” even though the agency published a rule defining the term on November 16, 2011, 9 day after the U.S. Supreme Court granted the city’s petition for certiorari (agreed to hear the case);
The Federal Housing Finance Agency (the guardian of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s assets) told Judicial Watch on April 30 that it had found a 208-page document responsive to Judicial Watch’s request but that it was withholding it in full based on a trade secrets privilege. Judicial Watch administratively appealed that determination on May 25. A decision in that appeal is due on June 22.
Judicial Watch Seal

Official Legal Documents

DOJ Acknowledgement of FOIA Request
Amicus Brief
CFPB Celebrating Dismissal
CFPB St Paul Cvr Ltr
CFPB St Paul Production n Cvr
CFPB St Paul Production
DOJ Planning Mtg Dec 12
City DispImp
St. Paul I
St. Paul II
St. Paull III
St. Paul IV
Fed DispImp
DOJ Final Cvr
DOJ HUD DisImp Production
HUD Final Cvr
HUD St. Paul Production 1 of 2
Redacted HUD 1 of 3 – Disk 2
Redacted HUD 2 of 3 – Disk 2
Redacted HUD 3 of 3 Disk 2 AttorneyProSe_Private AG, ECF 65913 Pacer:sa1299 Tel: 651-776-5835 HEALTH CARE Candidate
MN Attorney General 2014 2012Senate64