Friday, April 5, 2013


  Sharons Disclaimer: BrainMappingInitative vis Obama Agree to estopp Cataracts_
Glacoma_Dangers of Eye Drops Travaton,Cambigan,Lumbigan,Azopt, goes to the
Brain, Metabolizes in the Liver and Kidneys.  Complaints vs. Dr.Diane Tanube March 28th,2012 unabated by Government Officials.

Obama Proposes Brain Mapping Initiative

by Luke Johnson - in 117 Google+ circles - More by Luke Johnson
3 days ago รข€“ WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama on Tuesday proposed an effort to map the brain's activity in unprecedented detail, asastep toward ...

        Scrool to end for CitySt.Paul vs. LandLords via

Sharon Registered Gun Owner_QuiTam_Whistleblower_Victim Medical Malpractice's Fri.5Apr2013

Affiant Sharon Anderson aka Peterson_Chergosky_Scarrella

Please also take legal notice the Theft of Sharons 91 Chrysler since 2006 with disabled plates has rendered Affiant HomeBound Title 3 Meals etc. Theft of Water

hereby gives legal Notice to Gov. Mark Dayton, Revenue Myron Frans, Executive Branch, Legislative Branch and Judicial Julie Kleinschmide for Illegal Taxaction Homestead Credits at 697 Surrey powered by Civic Plus and Legistar.

working on Tax Refund, Whistleblower apparantly Mark Oswald, Laura Manning are Laundrey Payments at 697 Surrey re: Forensic Files and Smal-brief-re-fiafea_firrea_a09-2031/

Welcome to Ramsey County, Minnesota

Property taxes

2013 Property Tax Statements have been mailed

Property Tax Statements for Taxes Payable in 2013 were mailed Monday, March 18. Detailed information about your Property Tax Statement can be found on the Property Tax Statement Overview page.
Paying Your Taxes: You can submit your property tax payments four different ways: by mail, via our two drop-box locations, online, or in person. Go to the Paying Property Taxes page to find out more, and also to subscribe to our tax payment reminder service.
For general information regarding taxes,send us an email or call 651-266-2000.
Also, be sure to read about the State of Minnesota's property tax refund programs to see if you qualify.
2013 Value Notices for Taxes Payable in 2014 were mailed along with the 2013 Property Tax Statements. Your 2013 Value for Taxes Payable in 2014 is established as of January 2, 2013 (the Assessment Date). The Estimated Market Value of your property is the value for which your property would likely sell on the open market.
In determining the value, the Assessor considers the most current arm's length sales of similar properties, current market conditions, and trends that may increase or decrease the value of your property. (For more information, please read How is My Estimated Market Value Established? )
Please read your Value Notice thoroughly. If you feel your valuation and property classification are correct, it is not necessary to contact the Assessor's Office.
If you do have additional questions or concerns about your value or classification, contact us by email or call 651-266-2131.


Our Water, Our Future: Resources in the Northeast Metro

“Groundwater: The Hidden Resource” a community forum on preserving water resources, will be held Thursday, April 4, 2013, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Lincoln Mall of the East Campus at Century College in White Bear Lake. The free event is the first in a series of community information forums that will examine groundwater issues, their relationship to lakes, rivers, and streams, what is happening to water supply, and the consequences of inaction. Subsequent meetings will focus on potential solutions to falling lake levels and water conservation. Ramsey County Commissioner Victoria Reinhardt will emcee the April 4th forum which has been organized by local and county officials, the Metropolitan Council, U.S. Geological Survey, and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
For more information: Event Flyer (pdf) | Metropolitan Council

Sent: 4/5/2013 7:37:40 A.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Check out St. Paul Squeeze | Judicial Watch

Bobby are you up to date with LandLords in Search Engine type in St.Paul MN LandLords This is current You must post on Blog
Read the Brief scrool to Bottom

St. Paul Squeeze

Last Updated: April 02, 2013


On April 4, Judicial Watch filed public records requests at the city and federal levels pursuant to an investigation into the Obama administration’s involvement in a housing discrimination suit arising out of St. Paul, Minnesota. Landlords of budget rentals had brought suit against the city – and won – alleging that excessive code enforcement against their properties would have the effect, if not the intent, of harming racial and ethnic minorities in greater proportion than St. Paul residents of other backgrounds. The legal theory, known as “disparate impact,” is more commonly used by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development to encourage out-of-court settlements against mortgage lenders.
According to a February 13 editorial in the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. Department of Justice pressured the city to withdraw its case from the U.S. Supreme Court, where the case had been slated for argument. Apparently, federal officials feared the city would lose again, setting unfavorable precedent for the Obama administration. According to the paper, if the landlords won, the “disparate impact” theory would no longer be a government tool for punishing instances of racism it perceived but could not prove. Rather, any over-regulation which resulted in less housing for ethnic or racial minorities would now be vulnerable to being struck down under the same theory.
What follows is a run-down of responses so far:
The U.S. Department of Justice on April 4 asked Judicial Watch to clarify which St. Paul case it was referring to and on June 11 asked whether it meant “and” at the place in the Freedom of Information Act request where Judicial Watch said “or”;
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on May 3 asked Judicial Watch to explain what it meant by “disparate impact,” even though the agency published a rule defining the term on November 16, 2011, 9 day after the U.S. Supreme Court granted the city’s petition for certiorari (agreed to hear the case);
The Federal Housing Finance Agency (the guardian of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s assets) told Judicial Watch on April 30 that it had found a 208-page document responsive to Judicial Watch’s request but that it was withholding it in full based on a trade secrets privilege. Judicial Watch administratively appealed that determination on May 25. A decision in that appeal is due on June 22.
Judicial Watch Seal

Official Legal Documents

DOJ Acknowledgement of FOIA Request
Amicus Brief
CFPB Celebrating Dismissal
CFPB St Paul Cvr Ltr
CFPB St Paul Production n Cvr
CFPB St Paul Production
DOJ Planning Mtg Dec 12
City DispImp
St. Paul I
St. Paul II
St. Paull III
St. Paul IV
Fed DispImp
DOJ Final Cvr
DOJ HUD DisImp Production
HUD Final Cvr
HUD St. Paul Production 1 of 2
Redacted HUD 1 of 3 – Disk 2
Redacted HUD 2 of 3 – Disk 2
Redacted HUD 3 of 3 Disk 2 AttorneyProSe_Private AG, ECF 65913 Pacer:sa1299 Tel: 651-776-5835 HEALTH CARE Candidate
MN Attorney General 2014 2012Senate64

Wednesday, February 6, 2013



Sharon Anderson Apology if in duplicate

Click here: Sharon- MinnesotaLawlessAmerica Congressional Testimony via Hon. Bill Windsor, Please attend Hearings 5Feb2013
Special Note: US Senator Amy Klobuchar prosecuting Judicial Malpractice would make a Special US Judge4Familys. ? pending Hearings?
TO THE ABOVE NAMED: Barack Obama Pres.USA SEPARATION OF POWERS contact the White House with policy related comments at: WE THE NOBODIES fAMILY VALUES,ACCESS TO COURTS,JUDICIAL CORRUPTION DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE" Affiant SharonScarrellaAnderson aka Peterson is Blind in L Eye Medical Malpractice must "Make a Minnesota Difference"
To answer Secretary Clinton, it does make a difference. It matters enormously for the American public to know whether or not their president and members of his administration are on top of a crisis and telling them the truth.
Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., is a member of the Foreign Relations Committee.
Published in USA Today.
To the Hon. Chair's Judiciary Bob Goodlatte Senate
Patrick J. Leahy
Chairman, D-Vermont
Affiant Sharon with High Regard cannot afford to testify in Washington Feb.5th2013 "but for" On the Graves of our Heritage, Sharons Parents Bill and Bernice A. Peterson Tenants in Common at 1058 Summit Ave. St.Paul,MN 55104.
Further Sharon now a Senior ,Candidate 4 Public Office to Expose Judicial Corruption brought to the 113th Congress via Bill Windsor Sharon Blind in L Eye, Reduced to Heinous, Repugnant Poverty, "takings" without Just Compensation, Quiet Titles "must" bring to the Bar of Public Conscience that the Judiciary in Minnesota is out of Control.
including consideration of Judicial Disclosure reforms including Abolish SCAP Commitment Panel's . that have triggered Death,Disabilitys,Disparagment of Titles,

Murder of Sharon's 2nd Husband after his 1 year Commitment at Brainard. Judges Joanne Smith,Kathleen Gearin,Judge Gregg Johnson acting in Concort with his Wife DFL Susan Haigh to Manulipate the Commitment Funds for Judicial Greed.
Sharon's Bogus Rule 20 without "due process" costing 94 thousand dollars 4 94 days at St.Peter,Brainard State Hospitals via Corrupt Judges, Names on file.
The Hearings must address Accountability, Eliminate on a State and Federal level Unpublished Opinion s destroying Family Units.
Please also remember that Federal Judge James Rosenbaum lied to Congress while at the Same Time Stealing our Filing Fee of $150.00 to deny access to the Courts

SHARON-MN-ECF: Judge James ...
Shared on Google+. View the post.
Mar 15, 2007 – Judge James Rosenbaum ... Entered on 03/15/2007 at 11:11:59 by Sharon Anderson: ... US Attorneys Firing v.

Constitutional Crossfire - Bench & Bar of Minnesota
Shared on Google+. View the post.
by DA Kelley - Related articles
When Chief Judge James Rosenbaum testified before the House Judiciary Committee ... Congress provided maximum terms of incarceration but allowed federal ...
Congressional Testimony of Over 750 Americans

presented to the United States Congress

Can 750 Nobodies save America? Google Amy Klobuchar vs. Judge Roland Amundson

" A Gay Judge with Adopted Children from Russia" Prosecuted, convicted for Stealing from a Mentally Ill Woman. AttorneyProSe_Private AG, ECF 65913 Pacer:sa1299 Tel: 651-776-5835 HEALTH CARE Candidate 2014 MNAG Senate64
Complaint Details: Fri. 1Feb2013 re:
     Please forward,circulate, publish,copy Sharon is Registered Gun Owner only a small 22 for Self Protection.
                           To Hon. Bill Windsor
et al Minnesota Members of Congress / Federal Government ...Minnesota Members of Congress. ... Senator Amy Klobuchar United States Senate 302 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 (202) 224-3244 ... Humble Plea to Minnesota Congress Specifically Hon. Amy Klobuchar from Affiant Sharon Anderson aka Peterson_Scarrella re:
  re: Penalitys of Perjury. To the Hon. Chair's Judiciary Bob Goodlatte Senate');" href="javascript:HandleLink('cpe_2536_0','CPNEWWIN:NewWindow^top=10,left=10,width=700,height=700,toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=1,menubar=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1@');">Patrick J. Leahy Chairman, D-Vermont');" href="javascript:HandleLink('cpe_2536_0','CPNEWWIN:NewWindow^top=10,left=10,width=700,height=700,toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=1,menubar=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1@');">Amy Klobuchar D-Minnesota Biography');" href="javascript:HandleLink('cpe_2536_0','CPNEWWIN:NewWindow^top=10,left=10,width=700,height=700,toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=1,menubar=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1@');">John Cornyn R-Texas Biography');" href="javascript:HandleLink('cpe_2536_0','CPNEWWIN:NewWindow^top=10,left=10,width=700,height=700,toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=1,menubar=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1@');">Al Franken D-Minnesota Biography Biography Affiant Sharon with High Regard cannot afford to testify in Washington Feb.5th2013 "but for" On the Graves of our Heritage, Sharons Parents Bill and Bernice A. Peterson Tenants in Common at 1058 Summit Ave. St.Paul,MN 55104. Further Sharon now a Senior ,Candidate 4 Public Office to Expose Judicial Corruption brought to the 113th Congress via Bill Windsor Sharon Blind in L Eye, Reduced to Heinous, Repugnant Poverty, "takings" without Just Compensation, Quiet Titles "must" bring to the Bar of Public Conscience that the Judiciary in Minnesota is out of Control. including consideration of Judicial Disclosure reforms including Abolish SCAP Commitment Panel's . that have triggered Death,Disabilitys,Disparagment of Titles, Murder of Sharon's 2nd Husband after his 1 year Commitment at Brainard. Judges Joanne Smith,Kathleen Gearin,Judge Gregg Johnson acting in Concort with his Wife DFL Susan Haigh to Manulipate the Commitment Funds for Judicial Greed. Sharon's Bogus Rule 20 without "due process" costing 94 thousand dollars 4 94 days at St.Peter,Brainard State Hospitals via Corrupt Judges, Names on file. The Hearings must address Accountability, Eliminate on a State and Federal level Unpublished Opinion s destroying Family Units. Please also remember that Federal Judge James Rosenbaum lied to Congress while at the Same Time Stealing our Filing Fee of $150.00 to deny access to the Courts SHARON-MN-ECF: Judge James ... Shared on Google+. View the post. You +1'd this publicly. Undo Mar 15, 2007 – Judge James Rosenbaum ... Entered on 03/15/2007 at 11:11:59 by Sharon Anderson: ... US Attorneys Firing v. Constitutional Crossfire - Bench & Bar of Minnesota Shared on Google+. View the post. You +1'd this publicly. Undo by DA Kelley - Related articles When Chief Judge James Rosenbaum testified before the House Judiciary Committee ... Congress provided maximum terms of incarceration but allowed federal ... Congressional Testimony of Over 750 Americans
presented to the United States Congress
Introduction to Congress from Bill Windsor, Founder of Lawless America
State Index to Corruption Testimony
Index to Type of Corruption Testimony
Alphabetical Index to Congressional Testimony
Search all Congressional Testimony
Proposed Legislation
Can 750 Nobodies save America? Google Amy Klobuchar vs. Judge Roland Amundson " A Gay Judge with Adopted Children from Russia" Prosecuted, convicted for Stealing from a Mentally Ill Woman. "Let me end with one of those experiences on the front lines that I remember best. It involved a judge named Roland Amundson. He sat on the second highest court in Minnesota, the Court of Appeals, and was very well respected, a leader in the judiciary.
Judge Amundson had been a lawyer before he was a judge, and when one of his clients died, the client had asked Amundson to take over the trust for his surviving daughter. This daughter was very disabled, a woman in her 30s who lived in a world, and still does, of stuffed animals and dolls.
So here I am, the chief prosecutor of Hennepin County, and one day a case comes to our office from a woman who took care of this young woman in her home. The caretaker said the Judge had been stealing money from this trust. So we started to look into it, not quite believing it was true.
I still remember that Christmas Eve when one of our prosecutors called me, crouched down in his car outside Amundson’s house and whispering into his cell phone: “There’s no way he can afford this house on a judge’s salary. It’s impossible.”
So we dug into it and found that, systematically, the Judge had been stealing money from this trust over a period of years. He’d say he was doing work on this disabled woman’s house when he was actually installing marble floors in his own house. He’d say he was buying her a new bed and medical equipment when he was actually buying Greek statues for himself from an art gallery in California. He basically took all of the money from that trust, hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars, while he was a sitting judge on the " \ Congressional Testimony from Lawless America - Exposing Corruption 30Jan --Written by William M. Windsor

Congressional Testimony of Over 750 Americans
presented to the United States Congress
Read the full story To the Hon. Chair Goodlatte House Judiciary Hon. Goodlatte News and Press Releases from Chairman');" href="javascript:HandleLink('cpe_11288_0','CPNEWWIN:NewWindow^top=10,left=10,width=700,height=700,toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=1,menubar=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1@');">Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) News and Press Releases from Ranking Member');" href="javascript:HandleLink('cpe_11288_0','CPNEWWIN:NewWindow^top=10,left=10,width=700,height=700,toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=1,menubar=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1@');">Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) Chairman (R) Virginia, 6th Senate Chair News and Press Releases from Chairman');" href="javascript:HandleLink('cpe_11288_0','CPNEWWIN:NewWindow^top=10,left=10,width=700,height=700,toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=1,menubar=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1@');">Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) News and Press Releases from Ranking Member');" href="javascript:HandleLink('cpe_11288_0','CPNEWWIN:NewWindow^top=10,left=10,width=700,height=700,toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=1,menubar=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1@');">Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) S.1560, Nursing Home Resident Pain Relief Act of 2011 (Kohl) Held Over
By Tom Whipple
On one occasion the home organised a group activity, bringing in strippers to entertain residents.
Nursing Home Defends Prostitutes’ Visits
People Live In the Sewer Tunnels Beneath L...(02:50) INSIDE EDITION's Jim Moret ventured into the unknown underbelly of Las Vegas, where tough times have forced many people to live in the sewer tunnels. Date: January 30, 2013 Source: InsideEdition Click here: Full Disclosure Laws: Janet Milliken Sues Seller, Realtor Over Home's Notorious Past | AOL Real Estate Sharons1058SummitSt.Paul,MN 13:58 Congressional Testimony: Sharon Anderson to Bi... 220 views |1 month ago via by Bill Windsor
By Susanna Kim
Stigmatized homes are tricky. It can be hard to sell a home where a murder has taken place (as the owner of Jeffrey Dahmer's childhood home can attest). These homes often sell at deep discounts because of their grim histories, but sometimes that works out for investors. In any case, some MEMORANDUMN OF REALESTATE HOMELEsSNESS Denied Property over 10 years, AttorneyProSe_Private AG, ECF 65913 Pacer:sa1299 Tel: 651-776-5835 HEALTH CARE Candidate MN Attorney General 2014 2012Senate64 POA

Corruption Experience:
  • Financial Corruption
Subject Type:
  • Whistleblower
State: Minnesota

Saturday, January 19, 2013

City of Saint Paul - File #: RLH TA 13-12Michael Ahrndt 1901Maryland

Michael Ahrndt 1901 Maryland, Melvin Carter, Horror Show via Kathy Lantry with Ineffective Counsel Jerry Hendericksen We the Citizenery must fight Back Lantry must RESIGN MS609.43 (5 photos)
Like · ·
Evidence vs. City St.Paul is conclusive  We the Citizenery must fight Back, Demand their Resignations MS609.43
City of Saint Paul - File #: RLH TA 13-12


If the Video uploads push the lever forward almost to the end Wed.16Jan2013
Granted the outside looks bad, "but for" DSI and City Harrassment Why Bother. Looks like New Windows, Roof looks Good, Techinally NO ONE MUST SUBMIT TO THE JURISDICTION OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING OFFICER MARCIA MORMOND Pretended Authority. At all times Material No Long Form Complaint signed off by City Attorney to Demolish and or Tax the Land of any Persons. Specifically of Indian Decent re:
PIN (Property ID#) Number Street Address City 1901 Maryland Ave E St. Paul

Ramsey County R logoDatabase Last Refreshed 01-19-2013 05:29:00
Copyright 2003 Ramsey County

                                    Michael Ahrndt of Dakota Decent has suffered Heinous Discrimination,Disparate Impact, We the Citizenery also call for the Resignation of Public Officials who Violate Pledge of Alliegance, OATH of Office MS609.43 for their GREED>
in progress or eyesore?
City council orders raze and removal of Maryland Avenue duplex

Linda Baumeister/Review
The St. Paul Department of Safety and Inspections has deemed the building at 1901 Maryland Ave. E to be unsafe. On April 4, the St. Paul City Council unanimously voted to demolish the building. Property owner Michael Ahrndt contests their reasoning and said heโ€™s being targeted.

Linda Baumeister/Review
The St. Paul Department of Safety and Inspections has deemed the building at 1901 Maryland Ave. E to be unsafe. On April 4, the St. Paul City Council unanimously voted to demolish the building. Property owner Michael Ahrndt contests their reasoning and said he’s being targeted.

*photos by Linda Baumeister/Review. **photos by Kaitlyn Egan/Review

Above middle**, the city vacated a triangular slice of park property to accommodate Michael Ahrndt's property. However, Ahrndt says the property line still comes within 6 inches of his building, and his landscaping still sits on park land. Just above**, Michael Ahrndt, who owns the 1901 Maryland Ave. E property, waited for his opportunity to speak out against the demolition of his duplex at the April 4 city council public hearing.

*photos by Linda Baumeister/Review. **photos by Kaitlyn Egan/Review
Above middle**, the city vacated a triangular slice of park property to accommodate Michael Ahrndt's property. However, Ahrndt says the property line still comes within 6 inches of his building, and his landscaping still sits on park land. Just above**, Michael Ahrndt, who owns the 1901 Maryland Ave. E property, waited for his opportunity to speak out against the demolition of his duplex at the April 4 city council public hearing.
Click Here to view the "Revocation of Fire Certificate of Occupancy and Order to Vacate" document with the list of building "deficiencies."
Kaitlyn Egan
news editor

After a long battle, East Side property owner Michael Ahrndt will have to face defeat.

The St. Paul City Council unanimously voted for the razing of the residential structure at 1901 Maryland Ave. E. at its April 4 meeting.

It's safe to say the property at the intersection of Maryland Avenue and Hazel Street is approaching notorious status, at least in the minds of neighbors, community members and city officials who have come in contact with it. The city classified the dwelling as a "nuisance structure," and neighbors say it has had a rundown appearance for years.

"I don't contest that the outside is in need of a complete renovation," said Ahrndt, who purchased the property about 12 years ago.

He said he's completely remodeled the interior but stopped short on the exterior since "it's quite obvious that there's a desire to not have the house there."

Ahrndt now has 30 days to demolish the duplex or the city will do the job and send him the bill.


The City of St. Paul Department of Safety and Inspections registered the building vacant on Oct. 17, even though Ahrndt contended that he and a caretaker were still living in it.

However, the building, which city officials said was being used illegally as a triplex, wasn't registered vacant because it was empty. It was condemned by fire inspectors and registered vacant because it was unsafe for anyone to live there, said Robert Humphrey of the city's Safety and Inspections department.

According to city documents, a fire inspector discovered 29 "deficiencies" when the building was registered vacant, including exposed wiring and damaged electrical fixtures; a small 56-square-foot bedroom that was declared too small for sleeping purposes; obstructed exists and rooms with no windows; crumbling ceilings and walls; a permeable bathroom floor; a furnace tucked in a small hallway closet; and stashes of propane being stored inside the house.

Fixing many of these problems would require a building permit.

Safety and Inspections sent a notice to Ahrndt at a Scandia address listing the issues with the dwelling. The document also notified him the property's certificate of occupancy was revoked and the building needed to be vacated.

When Safety and Inspections checked on the duplex early in September, there were no vacant and condemned placards posted and the inspector noted there was a chance someone was still living in there, according to inspection documents. When an inspector returned mid-month, there were still no placards on the building, and people could be seen inside.

"Their claims of their condition of the property are completely not true," Ahrndt said in a recent interview. He said the dwelling has brand new ceilings, walls and floors as well as a fully remodeled kitchen. The unsafe wiring is all in the third unit, which was never used, and electricity to that part of the building was shut off, said Ahrndt.

In fact, Ahrndt claimed one of the inspectors wanted to rent the property from him, but then condemned the building two months later.

'Neighbors felt abused'

Inspectors started focusing on the property after receiving a citizen complaint last August, Humphrey said, but he knows of neighborhood complaints stretching back to at least 2005, when someone alerted the city about the appearance of the exterior of the duplex.

"There's a long history to this property. There's been problems a long way back," Humphrey said. "We've been working with (the property owner) since then to try to do something with it."

The last building permit issued for the structure was in 2009, but there have been at least eight complaints about the dilapidated state of the building since then, Humphrey said.

Complaints over the years have included reports of the home falling into disrepair, unfinished roofing, crumbling siding, a broken garage door and work being done without a permit.

"The neighbors felt abused. They felt as though he had very little respect for them," said Sue McCall, District 2's block club coordinator. "All the block clubs in that area said it ruined the area. It's an area of nice homes, except for that one. It's just really, really awful."

McCall has been working at the District 2 Community Council for fours years, and the rundown state of 1901 Maryland Ave. E. was one of the very first things she ever heard from neighbors.

"I had only been here for a few days and I drove around with fellow council members and that was one of the low points they treated me to," she said.

"For a long, long time he's had orders to repair it," said community council executive director Chuck Repke. "It just went on and on and on, and it looked like he was never going to get it done."

The North East Neighborhoods Development Corporation was interested in purchasing the property from Ahrndt when it became apparent he was struggling to fix it up, Repke said, but Ahrndt decided he wanted to continue with the repairs.

Property lines

Ahrndt believes the city's main issue with the house is that the property and portions of the house cross onto Furness Parkway green space, which is city parkland.

St. Paul Parks and Recreation has been planning improvements for the swatch of grass stretching from Maryland Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue, just west of McKnight Road, for years. Now, residents with encroachments, including Ahrndt, have until the end of May to remove them, or the city will.

In Ahrndt's case, the city did vacate a triangular slice of the park property so the line no longer cuts through parts of Ahrndt's building. However, Ahrndt says the property line still comes within 6 inches of the building at its closest, and his flowerbed and other landscaping still sits over the line on park land.

Ahrndt said he first realized he had an issue 10 years ago when he got a parking ticket for parking in what he thought was his own driveway. Apparently, what he thought was his driveway was actually an easement on the adjacent parkland -- city-owned property.

Ahrndt said he started to research the property and discovered that his lot wasn't what he thought. In fact, long before Ahrndt purchased the property, the home was built several feet over the property line onto park land.

He contended that years of phone calls, letters and emails to the city in an effort to learn more about the property issue and possible solutions were in vain. Ahrndt asserted that no one responded or would cooperate with him.

He halted renovations because of the uncertain future of the property and the city's lack of communication, he added.

"Not knowing the city's position, would any of you, would anybody continue to invest dollars?" Ahrndt asked city council members at the recent public hearing on the potential demolition. "I would like to request that we move back a step from the position that you're about to take that will be extremely harmful to the community and reputation of the council."

Ahrndt said the inspection reports contained "gross inaccuracies," and he didn't want his duplex to be demolished because of false information.

The future

Despite Ahrndt's plea, the council unanimously voted to have the duplex demolished and the rubble removed.

"It's in such a state of disrepair, I don't know if it could even be fixed regardless of the amount of money you had," said city council member Dan Bostrom.

The cost of razing dwellings this size is usually between $12,000 and $18,000, which is charged to the property owner.

Many homes like this one are poorly constructed to start with, end up outliving their usefulness and can become money pits, Bostrom said.

"These are the kinds of properties that begin to drag down prices of other houses in the neighborhood," he added. "A rotten apple spoils the barrel."

Ahrndt will still own the land after it's been cleared of the building, and it's up to him what to do next. He could rebuild or he could sell the lot.

Ahrndt said he doesn't know what he will do once the building is torn down, especially since the city has now left him with a property that he said can't be resold.

"This is theft by swindle," he asserted, adding that the city hasn't proven its case as to why the building needs to be torn down. He also said it has yet to be explained to him what the raze and removal order means.

If the city does end up demolishing the home, and Ahrndt doesn't pay the demolition bill, Ramsey County could seize the property. Then, the future of the lot adjacent to the park pathway could be up to the county.

"It's a prominent corner, and when Furness Parkway is finished, it will be a fairly significant corner," Repke said. He hopes that, whatever happens, it will improve the view at the intersection of Maryland Avenue and Hazel Street.

"There will be block club leaders who will be very happy (to see the duplex torn down)," McCall said. "There will probably be people cracking champagne bottles."

Kaitlyn Egan can be reached at or 651-748-7816.1901 Maryland Ave. East has been torn down, but its saga continues
The long saga of 1901 Maryland Ave. East took another strange turn on Wednesday, Jan. 16, when the St. Paul City Council heard the former homeowner’s appeal of a $12,000 demolition assessment. The house, which was declared a nuisance property and unlivable by the city’s Department of Safety and Inspections, has been torn down, and property owner Michael Ahrndt, of Scandia, has been left to foot the demolition bill.
Robert Humphrey, a spokesman for the Department of Safety and Inspections, said in an interview that the single-story house was structurally unsound and it generated frequent complaints from neighbors, who considered it a dangerous eyesore. Records show Ahrndt bought the property in August 1999 for $47,500.
On Wednesday, Ahrndt appealed the $12,000 assessment to the city council, without success. There were plenty of fireworks coming from Ahrndt, but the most fiery of them emerged at the end of his testimony, right before he left a kind of verbal condemnation on the city council in the native Dakota language.
His lengthy testimony is recorded on video, and listed under Item No. 42 on the City Council agenda.
Ahrndt told the council, “My answer here, this matter is now turned over to divine judgment. God’s way shall rule, and I believe you shall, for the sake of your souls, council, come to see that God’s thoughts are higher than your thoughts, and God’s ways are higher than your ways. The great spirit is absolute. So people of St. Paul, here me well. Awaken to what takes place right here before you. There is a great transformation underway. The wicked shall find no sanctuary. There shall be restitution. Reconciliation is near. The city of St. Paul, as you discover yourself under siege of the greatest of all powers, repent, I suggest. … Behold the power of God, lesser council. … I believe this self-serving behavior to be unforgivable. But that shall be your eternal business with God.”
Then came the condemnation in Dakota.
Ahrndt also asked the council members to resign immediately, and said “hundreds and perhaps even thousands of the extremely poor, completely despaired young children” would be deprived of his services by the tear-down.
He started his appeal on more technical footing. Ahrndt said “this ludicrous, preposterous, completely absurd assessment brought against myself, my family, my ministry and those I care-give to, this fiendish surtax with its egotistical motives” was three times the size of demolition estimates he received for the tear-down from licensed contractors.
He also said his “nonprofit foundation” purchased the small house more than a decade ago for care-giving and youth services. Green space associated with the Furness Parkway project directly abuts his house, and Ahrndt claims the road’s proximity made his house “unmarketable.”
Kaitlyn Egan, news editor at the weekly East Side Review, delved into the ins and outs of Ahrndt’s long-running battle with City Hall in April 2012, and it’s worth a read, here.