Wednesday, June 29, 2011



Affiant Sharon Scarrella Anderson former Candidate MNAG current Candidate Ward (2) St.Paul City Council
MN Gov ShutDown Issues:
1. Clerk MN Appell Court Fred Grittner is Retiring replaced by Bridget.Germander, Good Luck to Fred and his full salary Pension 90 thous.

2. 2nd Jud. Court Administrator Larry Dease medical leave for months Judge Kathleen Gearin Appointment by Order of Diane Carlson acting.
What are Larrys Medical Costs?

3. Have all Filing Fees been paid in the MNGov ShutDown
4. Denial of the Public to File Briefs,Amicus regarding ShutDown
must vacate Retired Judge Christopherson "Order"

WE THE CITIZENS of MN do not need 87 County Attorneys, hundreds of City Attorneys many private law firms such as West St.Paul ?City Attorneys.

WE DO NOT NEED EXECUTIVE BRANCH COURTS IE: TAX_SCAP_OAH denying jury trials usurping the Jurisdiction/Authority of Art. III Judges and MN Const. Art. III SEparation of Powers.

Gives Legal Notice also as a HomeGrown Soverign Citizen of Minnesota Born Braham MN to Object to the Retired Judge Bruce W. Christopherson appointed by MN Chief Justice Lori Gildea _ When Chief Justice recused herself PDF]


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Jun 22, 2011 – GENERAL LORI SWANSONS MOTION TO DISMISS THE PETITION FOR. WRIT OF QUO WARRANTO. Erick G. Kaardal, Atty. No.229647. William F. Mohrman, Atty. ...

Order dtd. 28June28,2011 to Keep the Courts Open during MN Gov Shutdown.

Petitions to Determine Core Functions of Government

"MN Judicial Branch shall continue * * * ensure citizens rights under the MN and US Constitutions."

Bizzare Ruling when We the People are denied the Right to Petition the 2nd Judicial Branch for redress:

Only Lawyers may file in Ramsey Co 2nd Judicial Courts,

Electronic File & Serve

NOTICE: Effective July 1, 2011, a $3.00 service fee per envelope will be applied to all filings electronically served through the Minnesota E-filing system unless otherwise exempt by statute, rule or order.

Start using e-File & Serve (for Law Firms ONLY)

Effective Monday, April 18th, the Second Judicial District welcomes all law firms and attorneys to begin e-filing. To start the process:1) Please choose a firm adminstrator (Administrator Duties document) 2) The firm administrator should watch the training videos. 3) Then, contact the court via email or chat to get registered.

e-Service (for Law Firms ONLY)

-How to Sign up to Receive e-Service instructions

-Sending and Receiving e-Service video

e-file Support

Technical Support: Tyler Technologies 800.297.5377 or

Court Business Support: Please call 651.266.8275

Send an email via our Contact Form


62cv11-5361 contrary to A11-1107

Clerk of Appellate Courts
305 Minnesota Judicial Center
25 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155
Phone: (651) 296-2581
Email the Clerk of Appellate Court
Counter Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays

specific case.


Phone #
Administration Information (651) 266-8266
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longer part of District Court)
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Guardian Ad Litem (651) 266-5270
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(651) 266-5150
Law Library (651) 266-8391
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Probate Court (651) 266-8145
Suburban Court (in Maplewood)(651) 266-1999
Traffic Violations Bureau

(651) 266-9202

Motions Regarding MN Government Operations

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Lori Swanson, in her official capacity as Attorney General of the State of Minnesota filed in the Second Judicial District Court the initial documents in the following matter on June 13th, 2011. The title of the case is:

In Re Temporary Funding of Core Functions of the Executive Branch of the State of Minnesota

Document NameDate FiledPages
Motion for Order to Show Cause6-13-20112
Proposed Order to Show Cause6-13-20112
Petitioner's Memorandum in Support of Motion for Relief6-13-201121
Response of Governor to the Petition6-15-201126
Signed Order to Show Cause6-15-20112
Returned Order to Show Cause and Aff of Mail Service6-16-201132
Affidavit of Service6-16-20112
Motion of MN Assoc of Treatment Programs6-17-20116
Amicus Curiae Memorandum of MN Assoc of Treatment Programs6-17-201114
Notice Other of State Senators6-20-20116
Memorandum of law of Intervening State Senators6-20-20117
Request to file Amicus Curiae Care Providers of MN,INC.etal6-20-20113
Amicus Curiae Memorandum of Care Providers of MN,INC et al6-20-201114
Affidavit of Service Mn Association of Treatment Programs6-20-20112
Notice of Motion and Motion Intervene Assn. Residential Resources et al.6-20-20114
Proposed Order Granting Motion to Intervene Assn. Residential Resources et al.6-20-20111
Memorandum in Support of Motion to Intervene Assn. Residential Resources et al.6-20-201111
Petition in Intervention of Assn. Residential Resources et al.6-20-20118
Memorandum of Intervenors Assn. Residential Resources et al.6-20-201117
Affidavit of Bruce Nelson in Support of Intervenors' Petition6-20-20117
Affidavit of Lynne Megan in Support of Intervenors' Petition6-20-20116
Affidavit of Jerry Mueller in Support of Intervenors' Petition6-20-20115
Affidavit of Service for Assn. Residential Resources et al. filings 6-20-20112
Affidavit Of Commissioner Victoria Reinhardt6-21-20112
First Supplemental Response of Governor to Petition6-21-20113
Response of Minnesota State Board of Public Defense6-21-20118
Notice of Motion and Motion of MN Hospital Assn.6-21-20113
Memorandum Of Amicus Curiae MN Hospital Assn.6-21-20119
Notice of Intervention of MN Workforce Council Assn.6-21-20112
Response and Memorandum of Intervenor MN Workforce Council Assn.6-21-20117
Proposed Order for MN Workforce Council Assn.6-21-20111
Affidavit of Service for MN Workforce Council Assn. Filings6-21-20112
Notice of Motion and Motion to Intervene Associated General Contractors of MN6-21-20111
Proposed Order to Intervene for Associated General Contractors of MN6-21-20111
Memorandum in Support of Motion to Intervene Associated General Contractors MN6-21-201114
Affidavit of Service for Associated General Contractor Filings6-21-20111
Notice of Intervention by County of Hennepin6-21-20112
Proposed Petition of Intervenor County of Hennepin6-21-20115
Certificate of Service for County of Hennepin filings6-21-20111
Affidavit of Donna Dunn,Executive Director, MN Coalition against Sexual Assault6-21-20114
Affidavit of MN AIDS Project Re Impact on Client Health and Safety 6-21-20112
Affidavit of Service for Care Providers of MN Inc. Filings6-22-20114
Petitioners Reply in Support of Request for Relief6-22-20116
*PROPOSED* Findings of Fact Conclusion of law and Order Granting Motion for Temporary Funding filed by Petitioner6-22-20118
Motion of Vinland National Center for leave to Participate as Amicus Curiae6-22-20113
Amicus Curiae Memorandum of Vinland National Center6-22-20118
Affidavit of Service for Vinland National Center filings6-22-20112
Affidavit of Cynthia k. Cook Executive Director of the MN Coalition for Battered Women6-22-20116
Motion of MN School Boards Assn. for leave to Participate6-22-20114
Amicus Curiae Memorandum of MN School Boards Assn.6-22-201114
Affidavit of Personal Service for Petitioner's Reply Memorandum6-22-20113
Notice of Motion and Motion of MN Hospital Assn. for leave to Participate6-22-20115
Response of League of MN Cities, Coalition of Greater MN Cities and the City of Saint Paul6-22-201114
Response of Eighty-Seventh Minnesota Senate6-22-20112
Affidavit of Amy Koch6-22-20113
House Response to Petition and Reply6-22-201112
Affidavit of Service for Senate Response and Affidavit of Amy Koch6-22-20112
Notice of Motion and Motion of Child Care Works et al. for leave to file AMICI Curiae6-22-20118
Memorandum OF Law of the AMICI Coalition of Child Care Providers6-22-201110
Affidavit of Chiild Care Works in Support of Amici Coalition6-22-201127
Affidavit of Minnesota Licensed Family Child Care Association6-22-20113
Affidavit of Terri Foss in Support of Amici Coalition6-22-20112
Affidavit of Shelli Rowe in Support of Amici Coalition6-22-20113
Affidavit of Denisecia Hosea in Support of the AMCI Coalition6-22-20112
Affidavit of MN Child Care Association in support of AMICI Coalition6-22-20114
Affidavit of School Readiness Funders Coalition insupport of AMICI Coalition6-22-201122
Proposed Order AMICI Coalition 6-22-20112
Affidavit of Service6-23-20114
Affidavit of Service Vinland National Center filings6-23-20111
Affidavit of Terry Bicknell6-23-20113
Affidavit of Rebecca Hall6-23-20113
Affidavit of Sharon Born6-23-20113
Proposed Petition of Petition of SEIU local et al6-23-20117
Notice of Intervention by Seiu 284 kids first MN et al.6-23-20113
Affidavit of Peggy Adelmann6-23-20112
Motion of MN Zoological Garden to Intervene6-23-20117
Motion of Jenni Taylor for leave to participate Amicus Curiae6-23-20116
Affidavit of Service first Supplemental Response of Governor6-23-201111
Affidavit of Service Minnesota School Boards 6-23-20112
Affidavit of Personal Service of Amici Coalition6-23-201127
Minnesota Horsemen's Association Notice of Motion to Intervene6-23-201115
Minnesota Horsemen's Association Notice of Motion to intervene6-23-20111
Order Granting Motion to Intervene6-24-20111
Affidavit of Lynn Megan in support of Minnesota Habilitation Coalition INC.6-24-20115
Affidavit of Service for League of MN Cities, Coalition of Greater MN Cities, City of St. Paul filings6-24-20112
Notice of Motion and Motion of Karen Org. of MN for Amicus Curiae6-24-20115
Affidavit of Service for Karen Organization Filings6-24-20111
Amicus Curiae Brief of Karen Organization of Minnesota6-24-201126
Memorandum of Hennepin County to Intervene6-27-20119
Affidavit of David Lawless6-27-20113
Certificate of Service for Hennepin County Filings6-27-20111
Order Denying Mediation6-27-20112
Order Allowing Exception for Recording Equipment6-27-20111
Minnesota Community Action Partnership's Motion for Amicus Curiae6-27-20113
Amicus Curiae Memorandum of Minnesota Community Action Partnership6-27-20116
Affidavit of Service for Minnesota Community Action Partnership 6-27-20112
Findings of Fact Conclusion of Law and Order Granting Motion for Temporary Funding6-29-201131
Order Amending Finding of Fact Number 366-29-20111

Further Affiant Sayeth not at this time:
DFL Gub Mark Dayton must call a Special Session or lose the Power of the MN Governor_______ apparantly delegated to the Courts contrary to Separation of Powers Doctrine.

LEGAL NOTICE: /s/ ECF_P165913Pacersa1299
telfx: 651-776-5835:
Attorney ProSe_InFact,Private Attorney General QuiTam Whistleblower, Candidate AG2010 Blogger: Homestead Act of 1862 - Pro Se Dec Action Litigation Pack Sharon4Anderson Scribd Document's are based on SEC filings, Blogger: Dashboard Home
FAIR USE NOTICEThis site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are makinknowledge gained as financial journalists , securities they recommend to readers, affiliated entities, employees, and agents an initial trade r
ecommendation published on the Internet, after a direct mail publication is sent, before acting on that recommendations, and may contain errors. Investment decisions should not be based solely on these or other Public Office documents expressly forbids its writers from having financial interests in g such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of whistleblower protection issues, MY FindLaw SharonsWritProA06_1150_30Jun06_26
The CAN-SPAM Act: Requirements for Commercial Emailers
Sharons-Psychic-Whispers: Sharons Gypsy Curse-Court-Cop Corruption 3Apr0 Sharon4Council: DLJ Management v. City St. Paul A06-2118,Money LaunderinNo direct un-apportioned tax confirmed by the US Supreme Court rulings in CHAS. C. STEWARD MACH. CO. v. DAVIS, 301 U.S. 548, 581-582(1937)
g andFCC Complaints -

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sharon_Harley Women Music Video

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

EPA "sacks" couple's rights; will Supreme Court take their case? - Pacific Legal Foundation

EPA "sacks" couple's rights; will Supreme Court take their case? - Pacific Legal Foundation

June 15, 2011

EPA "sacks" couple's rights; will Supreme Court take their case?

Chantell and Mike Sackett, PLF clients

Mike and Chantell Sackett

Mike and Chantell Sackett, of Priest Lake, Idaho, had their property rights "sacked" by the Environmental Protection Agency -- and we should soon know whether the U.S. Supreme Court will hear their lawsuit, in which they are represented by attorneys with PLF.

The court is scheduled to consider the Sacketts' petition on Thursday, June 23, and announce whether it will take their case, on June 27.

A lot rides on this--not just for the Sacketts, but for all property owners, nationwide.

A lot rides on this--not just for the Sacketts, but for all property owners, nationwide. Can the EPA take over someone's property--by declaring it federally controlled "wetlands"--without the owner having a meaningful right to challenge the agency in court?

PLF Senior Staff Attorney Damien Schiff explains how the Sacketts are fighting for everyone's property rights, everyone's right to his or her day in court - and for the principle that government agencies should not be above the law:

The Sacketts can't build a house because EPA has taken their land

The Sacketts own a small parcel in a residential area of Priest Lake.

They wanted to build a house to live in, as their neighbors have done.

They got the necessary local permits and approvals, and started laying gravel for the foundation.

But then, suddenly, without hearings or warnings, EPA swooped in and told them to cease and desist. EPA bureaucrats claimed that the Sacketts' small parcel is a federally controlled "wetland." Not only can the Sacketts not build a house on their property, they were ordered to return the land to EPA's liking - or face potentially

hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines!

The Sacketts want to challenge the EPA's "wetlands" claim in court. As a New York Times report showed, their property isn't next to the lake. It's in a residentially zoned area, with houses on both sides. There's no standing water or continuous water link to any navigable water.

EPA and Ninth Circuit deny the Sacketts their day in court

But EPA has said the Sacketts can't immediately appeal its "wetlands" designation - and the Ninth Circuit agreed. Instead, the Sacketts would first have to apply - probably fruitlessly - for a wetlands development permit, and be denied. That process would be long and expensive - costing more than the value of their land